Monday, March 29, 2010
No classes this week
I hope everything is going well with the sponsorship proposals.
Please remember that there are no lectures or tutorials next week (i.e. Week Nine) as it is a week dedicated to you for your sponsorship field and activity work. You should have had a AFP police check made earlier in your uni career - if you have not had that could you please contact Sarah Ross of UC? If you are undertaking active work next week I can email you an Indemnification Form for the sport organisation that protects them if you are careless or negligent when having an accident there.
I interviewed Narelle Casey, Sponsorship Executive of the Canberra Raiders recently and it is still being edited by Leonard Low of the Teaching and Learning Centre. Len and Leigh Blackall (of NISS) did the filming. We shall post it as soon as we get it. Leonard's help has been great and added to the quality of the work you view.
As a matter of urgency, could you:
Please email me or text me or call me to let me know who is in your sponsorship proposal presentation group or if you are presenting individually. I will post the presentation timetable on Moodle. This is vital as we have obtained larger rooms for some weeks and not for others so I am thinking of alternatives to this - which depend upon how many groups and how many tutorial weeks we need for these. PLEASE CHECK MOODLE IN WEEK TEN FOR ROOMS AND TIMETABLE OF PRESENTERS!
We start the presentations the week after next, the week starting Monday 12 April - in Week 10. A staff member will draw lots and I will post the timetable for presentations on Moodle in Week 9.
The feedback from sport organisations has been very positive.
See you Tuesday 13 April.
Monday, March 22, 2010
Stay tuned... Interviewing a sponsorship manager
Here is a link to this video on Youtube
Saturday, March 20, 2010
Teaching you is always a pleasure - in Week 6 you made it a privilege. Thank you.
Student Opportunity...Writing for the AFLC Record
I have received a request from Angela Pavlak for students to write articles for the AFLC Record. This urgently needs material and I thought someone might like to add writing for the Record to their CV. If you wish to write an article please email or call or text me and i will send you Angela's email address.
Learning Agreement
Don't forget that this was to be handed in last week! I appreciate that some of you have not yet been with the supervisor to get a signature but It MUST be handed in as soon as possible!
Monday Mini-Lecture 22 March
Just a quick update to say we are doing another interview this week. It is being recorded on Wednesday and will be loaded to Youtube soon after..
Sunday, March 14, 2010
The role of media managers in sport
This week opens with an online interview with Ben Pollack, Media Manager of the Canberra Raiders. Any of you who would like to participate in the filmed interview, which will provide the content of the Monday 15 March mini-lecture, are welcome at my office at 11:20 on Monday.
Please note that the Tuesday tutorial will be in the usual tutorial room 7B9 at 8:30 am for 2 hours but the Thursday tutorial is in Room 9B9 for 2 hours from 10:30am.
I look forward to the media conferences. Please make sure your group all know the room and do not forget to nominate 2 members of your group who will ask questions!
The Winner is.... The winners of the Sponsorship Quiz are, jointly, Annelise and Rachel so they share the plunder! Caitlin pipped Matt B with second place. Many thanks to those who gave it a go. Robin
Monday Mini-Lecture 15 March
Guest interview with Ben Pollack, Media Manager of the Canberra Raiders. Videos in production.. watch this space...
Link to the video of Robin introducing the interviews
Link to Interview 1 on Youtube
Link to Inteview 2 on Youtube
Tuesday Lecture
Public Relations
1. Effective Public Relations
2. Practical hints.
Handout of Tax and Law Checklist
Student Presentations of Media Conferences.
Monday, March 1, 2010
Quiz on sponsorship
Hi everyone
The Monday mini-lecture was a quiz on sponsorship. See it on the video and send in your honest ( I know, I know, would they be anything else!) total of correct answers (just your name and the number) by 5pm Tuesday 2 March (tomorrow) and be in the competition for the rather unusual collection of Australian sport books! You can text to the number in the Unit Outline or email I shall put the questions on Moodle after Tuesday.
Link to this video on Youtube
Assignment 2 : Develop and Present a Sponsorship Proposal (40%)
Please read the overall description in the Unit Handbook pp.6-7. Your proposal does not have to actually be presented to a real/potential sponsor but does have to be based upon a sport organisation, team, event or business etc. and be a possible proposal that could be used by them to obtain appropriate sponsorship. You will write it and 'pitch' it to the class as though you are genuinely seeking a sponsor for your organisation or its team, event etc.
The assessment criteria are:
Your Written Proposal 20%
This is the written outline of your sponsorship proposal and the record of your time with the sport organisation.
Rationale and relevance
This explains the reason for the proposal and the relevance of the content's significance in obtaining sponsorship. 4%
Structure and coverage of key elements
This is now increased in marks (from 5%) as it reflects a clear input of work, a coverage of the significant components of a sponsorship proposal and is an appropriate and well-structured proposal. Remember, there is no one template for a proposal but there are common elements found in those which are well-designed. 7%
This is a key element as a lack of clarity will usually reflect an ill-written proposal. Clarity means that the writing is excellent, the proposal is clear, concise and coherent and a potential sponsor can easily follow the content. Each 'step' or part of the proposal is clear. 4%
Given the range of situations that class members are in and the parallel with the Research Methods unit practicum, the criterion of a Logbook has been reduced in marks. All students should hand in a logbook - any student with difficulties in doing so must see me. "Students will hand in a log book outlining the hours worked with the sport organization. This will record all meetings, the research conducted, time spent identifying potential sponsors and time spent developing and preparing the sponsorship proposal. " If you have opted to have other time in an organisation recognised towards this assignment you are faced with a challenge. 5%
Your Proposal Presentation 20%
This is the simulated presentation of your sponsorship proposal as though it is a real situation and the class are the potential sponsor(s).
Congruence with Proposal
The presentation must have a close fit with the written proposal. This implies a clear preparation for the presentation and familiarity with the written proposal. 5%
Client Engagement
The presentation must obtain and hold the attention and interest of the class and assignment marker as they are the potential clients. 5%
Communication Skills
The ability to talk clearly, to use modes of communication effectively and be persuasive underpin the quality of the presentation. 5%
You are presenting a significant piece of sport management work. The professionalism encompasses the organisation, setting, appearance and handling of the presentation. There should be no difference between what you do in this presentation and what you would do in the reality of an actual sponsorship presentation. 5%
i wish you well.
Monday Mini-Lecture 1 March
1. The Class Sponsorship Challenge
Tuesday Lecture
Presenting The Sponsorship Proposal
1. Setting the Scene
2. Key elements of Success
Fund Raising
1. Establishing needs
2. Successful fundraising plans
3. Developing successful fundraising plans.