Saturday, March 20, 2010


Looking back on Week 6...congratulations on the effort and professional standards so apparent in the Media Conferences. Leigh and Leonard are putting all the Thursday presentations onto DVD for me and at present we intend to email each of you an individual password or code which you can use to access your conference and which will not be available to anyone else. I hope that later you will agree to it being available to others.

Teaching you is always a pleasure - in Week 6 you made it a privilege. Thank you.


Student Opportunity...Writing for the AFLC Record
I have received a request from Angela Pavlak for students to write articles for the AFLC Record. This urgently needs material and I thought someone might like to add writing for the Record to their CV. If you wish to write an article please email or call or text me and i will send you Angela's email address.

Learning Agreement

Don't forget that this was to be handed in last week! I appreciate that some of you have not yet been with the supervisor to get a signature but It MUST be handed in as soon as possible!

Monday Mini-Lecture 22 March

Just a quick update to say we are doing another interview this week. It is being recorded on Wednesday and will be loaded to Youtube soon after..

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